Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Saturday 30 August 2014


"Son, no money: we won't be able to do that" 
"I know you need it, but how do you want us to get it?" 

These are statements that are not strange to my hears through my upbringing, even till present. 

"Man's need is unlimited and there can't be enough resources to satisfy it" 
I got to know this economics theory in real life far before I was aquainted to it later in school. It seems one can never have all he wants at a time. 

One fateful night, wednessday, 19th June 2013. 
The whole of the cumulative financial incapabilities caught up with me. Am seldom worried about such; but its like the it all broke out from an unknown reserve that night. All gulping out wildly, threatenly soaring, putting my mind into a serious tubulence. 

"Why can't I have this?... and that..." 
"This is what I need naw, not extravagant desire for God's sake!" 
"Why must it be like this? why this? ... why that?... " 
Endless Why's. 

Lost in thoughts alone in my room, I was weighed down heavily until the elastic limit of my strength broke! 
I carried my bible and launched furiously into prayer. A prayer that only metamophosize from statements of frustration. 

I prayed for so long; quoting scriptures, raising questions; wanting to understand it all; requesting for answers; challenging God to quick intervention. 
"Right away!" I remembered I said, "Does it take you so long to provide supplus at the gate of Samaria in the days of Elisha?" 

I lost the sense of time, prayed until I was soaked wet with perspiration. At one point, my Dad opened the door to my room, peered inside to see what am up to... I must have been making questionable groanings. 

It went on until I was spent out and simmered into the grips of sleep. 

I didn't wake up intil early the next morning. Around 5 a.m. 
And what woke me? A dream. Yes, a dream. 

A vision of the future! 

My brothers and sisters, it was wonderful! 
Sitting behind a car (the exact type I would love) driven by a uniformed chauffeur, I was dressed in a sleek black suite, peering over a pair of glasses into some sort of documents while discussing with a fellow on the phone. Smilling so freely. 
Beside me is "the sister". Yes, *the sister... you know naw... dressed wonderfully and 'deeperlifestically' 
...Hey, don't ask me any question futher: I dnt see her face well ! 

From what I saw, I was accomplished: doing what I love doing; at ease. 
On and on, the story went. I saw my house, home, office, even my siblings. All WOW! Just like I always wanted. 

As I woke up thinking back into the dream, being slightly dissapointed that its not yet in reality. I smiled. 

With a fresh supply of energy, I sat up, carried my bible from where it fell amidst last night struggle. I opened my bible, guess the first thing that I caught glimpse of? 

Hebrews 6: 14 ! 
" saying, SURELY blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying, I will multiply thee " 

I could bearly believe my eyes. It all looked like a Mount Zion Movie. WOW! 

I had no other business again that day than to keep praising God. I was and am so happy. 

The last night seemed like a thousand years ago - so far away! The dream is all that filled my mind. 

Elated, I set out for work (Internship) smiling all day long. Everybody noticed it. I made sure I diffused the joy into everyone around me, starting from home. No reason to be sad. 
The future is green! ... No, Golden! 

I even told my coleague at work . 
I said, "oh boy, I go rich o, big time!" 
I said it with great certainty like have never felt. 

To cap it all, The GS message that power night was: 


No more doubt. Am fully persuaded. 
The mist has not lifted, (money didn't come overnight) yet my mind is lifted. 

I have never since been able to worry about 'now'. Tomorrow is comming. 

1. As a form of testimony 
2. I will like to have a written note here. You'l all see and I'll come repost when it all become real. That's however, if Christ tarries. 
3. To encourage and challenge you not just to let the heavy mist weigh you down, let it push you to pray until convinction comes. 
You know what? you will no longer care about the presence of the mist and you won't worry yourself to death before the future comes. 

Follow me sing: 
O da mi loju pe yo dara fun mi/2ce 
Tori mo l'Oluwa, eru ko le ba mi mo.... 

Praaaaaaaaise the Lord!

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