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Friday 3 October 2014

Importance of Vitamin Supplements

“What supplements do YOU take??

This is arguably the No. 1 question I get when I speak around the world. I was asked about it in Thailand, Iceland, Singapore … and virtually everywhere else.

Though my initial response is usually, "Doesn’t it matter what foods I eat?" I get it—people are just general interested.

To be honest, I’m not a big “supplement person.” Since I first started to work out in 1990, I’ve certainly wasted a ton of money on different products over the years—and also taken many that have merit.

From fat burners to growth “formulas,” creatine to L carnitine, I've tried a bunch hoping I could get bigger, leaner, stronger, and faster. I started out as an overweight kid who started working and eating better to lose weight so I could play football with kids my own age. As I got a little older, I was more interested in putting on muscle. And now, close to 25 years later, I’m most interested in health, feeling great and having, the most energy humanly possible.

So here’s what I currently take every single day. (For more advice for the vitamin aisle, check out our Supplement Guide.)

Fish oil
To me, this is the most important of them all. Most don’t get enough omega-3 fats. Even if you do eat fish—as I do (usually twice per week) in my mind there is definitely more than enough data and evidence to support a regular omega-3 supplement. I trust Nordic Naturals in the Mohr House. My wife and I both take it. Our kids take it. Omega-3s are the cornerstone of our supplement regimen.

I have taken a multi now for years as solid insurance. Does it replace a smart diet? Of course not. But as a complement to a clean diet, loaded color, and tons of nutrients, a multi is certainly a nice basic product. I use Rainbow Light’s Men’s One Multivitamin, which is a food based product. I like some of the added nutrients in there—200 mcg of selenium and added vitamin D, for example, providing 800 IUs.

Vitamin D
The more data that continue to emerge, the more I feel this is an essential one. I have been tested in the past and was deficient last time I was. Now that I supplement with 3000 IUs a day, my levels are back within the optimal range. Preventing deficiency is onething—optimizing intake is another. I’m after the latter. The Nordic Naturals fish oil product I take—Arctic Cod Liver Oil + D—has 1,000 IUs in it to kill two birds with one stone.

Whey Protein Powder
I really don’t even consider this a supplement, but since it technically is, I’ll throw this into the mix. I use this because it’s convenient and I use it  as an easy way to get quality nutrients into my diet, by making shakes with veggies and/or fruit. There are also a lot of fantastic studies that support whey  protein, which is what I take for maintaining lean body mass, fat loss, and more.

Probiotics are the wave of the nutrition future. The more scientists learn about the microbiome, the bacteria in and all over our bodies, the more interested I am in these. There are data that support their use for immunity, regularity, and even weight loss and vitamin D status. I currently use Udo’s Choice.  There are certainly other options and we often rotate as some have unique strains with them.

Sports nutritionist Dr. Christopher Mohr, PhD, is a registered dietitian and nutrition consultant to the Cincinnati Bengals, the Discovery Health Channel and The Dairy Council. Through his company Mohr Results, Inc., he helps all types of individuals and athletes achieve their diet and nutrition goals. Dr. Mohr earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from the University of Pittsburgh and is a board certified specialist in sports dietetics.

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