Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Friday 30 August 2013

*--The Church and Sex!--*

After following the pathetic story of Ese walter and the sex scandal with the senior pastor of the COZA ministries, Abuja, Nigeria, and as it is part of the values of "Our Daily Experiences," drawing lessons from failures and successes, I have decided to air my view and also bring out the most lessons that should be learnt from such occurrences like this other than sitting down and castigating and tearing down in worthless derision. I have read almost all the stories and comments, some condemning and ask for condemnation and slanders and some sticking to Christ's mercy and ask for no condemnation because maybe if He where here He wouldn't have condemned but may have forgiven.

My question is, is there not a solution to the menace of sexual immorality in the churches?

To read Ese's story, click here.

In every challenges, there is a way out! To every diseases, there is a cure(at least). So also to every societal ill, there should be a final solution blueprint laid down for all to follow. And like the bible which forms that blue print for us Christians, when any of such is broken, then we know we gone wrong and should re-trace our ways. The basic here is the rule and not the fall. When we stick to the fall, we shall of course soon fall again, but when we stick to the rules, then it becomes hard to fall.

Differentiating the people from the religion, reality from the hatchet of callous dogmas and surreal fantasies and fanaticisms that have rather sank the laity, leading the clergy into a deep abyss of dungeon in self oblivion and spiritual uncanny is the state of spiritual literacy in our present country and world as a whole. No wonder the ones we've so much looked up to would continue to plummet.

I have said this before in one of my articles and will say it all again: "Just being born again may not transform you into some other kind of person automatically." Just being born again does not in any way transform the physical being of a man. It does not enhance his emotional and biological tendencies, it does not change his innate wellness, it only gives him the right attitude and atmosphere to connect to the Almighty and Most Holy God who have not sinned to provide that supernatural connection to the celestial realm that helps him not so focus on the physical realm around him. This is what I mean and I like keeping it real: When a man is born again, when he goes to the office after he must have given his life to Jesus Christ by confessing his sins and acknowledging them and confessing them and asking God for grace to live a life free from sins, all those he's been once involved and may have formed a habit in him, it does not in any way stop the secretary from coming to work yet in her 'dare-not-look mini skirks.'


It does not stop his emotional, psychological and biological hormones to react to the intrusions of his environment, it only helps him in such situations to yet focus on the spiritual at such times, perhaps reflecting on the bible passage he read that morning, or on heaven or some other spiritual stuffs.


It was sure the same God who he has given his very life to in the being born again that also have given him those biological sensitiveness. As a matter of fact, biologically, if he does not react to those intrusions, he is considered to be defect. He must react. Now here is the thing.

The foundation and whole essence of man from the perspective of his weaknesses may never be so explained in the socio-psychological aspect of his wellbeing. Okay, we all should be happy and accept the very fact that we are here in this world in good fate and like we all say is never by mistake. We are all here for a reason, although most of us never know an iota of the reason before getting out of the same world, most times misteriously and without any consent just like we have all come.

Man is a pathetic being, he does not call the shots in all aspects of his life. One who's whole essence and definition is reclined on the verge of the Divine Infinite Knowledge(God!).
He does not know why he was born and should just live it out and never bother to find why. It's been pre-scripted, else he should have been given a life map at birth.

He also was born with a particular sin!

Jesus said: "Let him who have not sinned be the first to cast a stone." What does that mean? Also Job said: "I was sharpen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me." Paul said: "Also I find in me a law... so that the things I would not that I do."
These point to one thing, so that the next time you are giving birth, you must realize that you are giving birth to first, an armed robber, a hypocrite, a prostitute, a liar, an adulterer, a moralist etc. what he becomes next is a factor of Grace, Mercy and also the influences around him.

And even after he gives his life to Christ, he should not in any case forget where he crawled out from. Else he will plummet just again and maybe even worse. What should he do therefore?
which is my message to the church today? Although I shall be answering this only in the aspect of sexual sins in the society and church today.

Read Here >>

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