Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

*----How Ugly Are You?----*

I have seen just too much blemish in personalities in the society that it gives me so much concern that I shall be sharing with you today.

Just so much stench behind very tough degrees of scent.
I remember a very ugly experience I had some day while in a cab where there was a woman in the front seat, already in the car as I entered. I recalled vividly that as I entered and caught a cursory look at her, I immediately drew conclusions that she must be a very fervent Christian. I mean I would have given her an immediate pass into the kingdom of heaven, till it struck me right in the face.

It happened that there had been a mis-understanding between her and the driver and ohhhh, hell was let looseeeeeeeeeee! I was.... gushhh! Flabbergasted! Utterly dismayed and expectations shattered utterly. She was howling at the top of her voice, hitting the front dash boards, for just a mis-placed thirty naira change, calling names and cursing and calling down the powers of hell to an extent that even the young cabbie behind the wheels was for sure threatened and intimidated. I am very sure he too would have wondered just like myself.

I have seen lot  and lots of sure stories even in Christendom- so pathetic. People just parading themselves as sheeps when there very selves are lions. Just another funny incident that occurred, where there was a mis-representation and a so-called brother had swore to kill me, all because he was from a so-called dangerous part of the Western Part of Nigeria. And yet this is same person when you see him, ohhhh, an angel just arrived.

The religious morale value systems have failed by placing dogmas and church rules and regulations over basic transformational necessities that would have been of more help to the society than more indoctrinations, the hence the societal collapse of unique character systems.

People no longer have characters again, but are moved by sheep clothing of religious leaders and their wave of doctrines which usually hold substances perhaps only during the proximity of the leaders or sphere of the institution. But when confronted in situations and places where any breach wouldn't have been questions, then their real selves, come exploding out.

Like I always say, the reason for exhibiting any instantaneous flaw is never as a result of the momentary piss-off, but a reflex of the very nature of who that person is. It'd only been concealed those while.

Well, here we have put up six step processes to overcoming character flaws to help each citizen understand and incorporate good character into their lives. If you want to help others in your family, your organization and your community become more conscious of the traits and characteristics of good character, the steps below will help you get the message across.

Before you start, It's important to understand:

A character quality is a habit that you can develop through repeated practice
Good character contributes to success.
With this understanding in mind, you can help by employing the following six steps:

Understand the Quality

First, gain a clear understanding of the character quality. If you're talking about the positive character quality of "enthusiasm," for instance, you might define it as "Expressing joy in each task as one gives it his or her best effort." Give illustrations from history, contemporary lives, nature, etc. From history, for example, you might point out the enthusiasm with which John Hancock signed the Declaration of Independence. He ignored the peril he was putting himself in by signing the document with a signature so large that the King of England wouldn't need "to put his spectacles on to read it."

Grasp Its Actions

Describe the character quality in terms of thoughts, words and/or behavior that are representative of those that result when a person possesses this quality. This not only provides further understanding of the quality, but very importantly provides thoughts, words and behaviors that people can practice to help build the patterns of habit into their own lives. Give an action-oriented definition (the final goal of teaching character is behavior implementation—not just knowledge). For "enthusiasm," you might describe the following actions:


Be an energy giver to others
Treat every job as important
Put my whole heart into what I do
Do not be discouraged by failure.
Notice the circular nature of character qualities and actions—thoughts, words, behavior. Possessing the quality gives rise to actions patterned after that character quality. But it is in practicing actions according to that pattern that the individual builds the character quality.

Realize Its Benefits

Expected benefits motivate a person to develop character. Benefits fall into two categories.

1. Significant benefits deriving from good character in general:

Helps individuals reach their full potential—in knowledge, skills and accomplishments (Consider, for examples, diligence, dependability, benevolence.)
Enhances self-acceptance, self-confidence and self-satisfaction
Increases productivity and accomplishments
Improves relationships
Benefits and encourages others
Contributes to success.
2. Benefits deriving from the particular character quality. "Enthusiasm," for instance:

Provides a renewed excitement to life—to both the giver and those impacted by the energy given.

Practice Its Actions

Begin today to regularly practice the actions that will develop the habit pattern of the character quality, and to experience the benefits that result. Tackle enthusiastically, for instance, a task that you typically dislike doing. On occasion, implementation of the desired end action may be too demanding to accomplish in a single step, and may have to be approached in a sequence of smaller steps.

Encourage It in Others

Encouraging the quality in others is beneficial not only to the others but is especially beneficial to the person doing the encouraging. Encouraging others will keep sharp your awareness of the character quality itself, keeps you actively communicating about it and possibly gaining a new understanding of the quality, and encourages you to keep actively developing the quality in your own life. In the case of enthusiasm, remember how infectious it can be!

Encouragement may be focused on a single individual, on a group of individuals (a family, for example), on an organization of individuals (a business, school, religious assembly, etc.).

Four common facets of encouragement include:

Model. Demonstrate the character quality or an intermediate stage in a sequence of steps that will result in a desired habit.
Remind/Emphasize. Bring to mind the importance of developing the character quality—by personal communication or attitude, etc.
Expect/Require. By attitudes, words and/or actions make clear the expectations/requirements and, if required by policy or requested voluntarily, hold other(s) accountable for developing the quality.
Recognize. Affirm and bring attention to the display by an individual of a good character quality, thereby encouraging both the individual and others. Similarly, affirm the achievement of steps in a sequence which will, when complete, result in the development of an intended good character quality.

Be Encouraged

Explicitly invite one or more persons to encourage you in developing character qualities, lovingly holding them accountable to practice options. When a colleague hears you grumbling about deadlines, for instance, ask her to remind you that renewed enthusiasm will help you get back on course.

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