Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Wednesday 10 July 2013

*--------Do You Still Masturbate?--------------*

What!? You still do? Didn’t you hear it’s now one of the main causes of HIV/AIDS? Duhhh!

Lol! Please don’t hate yourself now, you know why? First because you ain't the only one: Statistically, the number of masturbatory aged people in the US is 240,052,886, average session: 12minutes, average frequency 62.5% masturbate daily, 153,053,044 masturbate a day, equals 7.5minutes of everyone's day or 450seconds a day. Therefore, 797,151 Americans are masturbating right now, and I mean, right now! And you know what? This equals the number of people in Alaska, so we're like saying something like, everyone in Alaska is masturbating right now!

Well, that’s why am here, that’s why we the ‘Daily Experiences’ team are here, to help remedial this issue like we really can, because we love you.
Yeah, if not for love I wouldn’t be writing all these.

Our society has done so much harm than good to us young ones that it pains me so much! But what pains me even more is the reality that 90% of us young ones would raise up kids and families with even far greater disasters there are in the today’s present society. It makes me cry.
Could you imagine somebody sending me an inbox and saying "James are you still in the faith?" Because his definition of being in the faith is in the pretending to be an angel and shying away from life’s realities, presuming that the word ‘sex’ itself is a sin, or an issue of the night at light’s out and curtains drawn, or maybe still assuming that the younger ones shouldn’t be opened to such issues, not knowing how much damage such pretense have already made in the society.

And you know what he doesn't know? 95% of men on the surface of this earth, masturbate! Only 89% of women own up to that. For married individuals, the rate is 70% for both men and women. And pathetically, very much of those 95% are right in his church, he doesn't know because they're part of the ones that wear long sleeves and belle height trousers, pretending never to have killed a mosquito in there life time.

It's a pity!

The most annoying thing is the fact that these so called persons are so cowardice that they never even come out to such media as this to share their own messages, but go behind to criticize those who got the balls to come out and confront these real societal issues from the open minded POV. It’s a shame!

Leme say this. If I become a pastor, which I may never be, when you come to my church, never expect to hear those kinda rhythmical or already turned cliche topics like. Nope!
Expect to hear real life topics: "Our Daily Life," "Confronting Life's Hurdles," “Masturbation, the way out!” “Starting out in Life, the business view,” “Pre-marital sex, handling it.” “Divorce, the emotional and psychological effects.” Etc. You know why? Because these are the issues we encounter every day and they are the very ones that would go a long way to determine whether we going to heaven or not. So stop the bullshittng and let’s face the facts, the real issues about this life, else it wouldn’t be worth it in the first place.
Leme drop these straight up truths:

1. The world was built without an iota of man’s opinion or judgments! That is why we never at one point decided whether to come to earth or not, it was decided on our behalf. In same vein, we never decided what family or background or country to come from. You got no contribution to make on the extra-terrestrial layer.
2. All the laid down layouts and frameworks of the world have been done far before we were born, so includes the rules to run the world.
3. The existence of Heaven and Hell have been decided without your very opinion and so you got no choice to change it but to tie up yourself and kill for one. Yes, you got to kill for it, because even the very nature you were brought into has got a down-ward pull against up, so know very well, today:
You were born a soldier man! You were born to fight all the days of our live, till death do you part!
4. Without the help and assistance of the Divine, man is an animal! The extent to which he can go on the left, an average animal may never go.

Having considered these factors, then it is imperative to understand why some things happen in this world without our opinion or contribution to change them.
In our last blog we were able to open up ourselves to reality of masturbation, but in case you are still doubting then read this:

1. About 61% of Christian men in the world, masturbate, only 13% of women in that religious circle, agree to that.
2. More than 41% of males and 22% of females admit to masturbate daily. 55% of men & 48% of women masturbate at least once a week.

3. The average time a porno film is watched in a hotel room is 12minutes.
4. 53% of women use vibrators when masturbating. Repeatedly, 17% of men have also used vibrators for solo masturbation.
5. Over 2.5% million flashlights have been sold worldwide.
6. More than 41% of people have accidentally been caught masturbating. 22.6% of women have intentionally been walked in on.
7. 30% of suicides by males between 12 and 20 are attributed to auto erotic asphyxiation.
8. 4 out of 10 women prefer masturbation over sex.
9. According to the Sumerians who invented the first women Western language, the Tigrit river was created when the Mesopotamian god Eriki masturbated, causing his ejaculation to flood the earth.
10. Male Kangaroos have been known to be involved in this act. Female porcupines have been witnessed using wooden sticks as dildos.
11. At the very moment, 797,151 Americans are involved in this very act. That's more people than the population of Alaska.

We are supposed to be looking at the effects of this very emotional act today, having opened ourselves in our last blog to its reality and leme say this, my tune in the last blog was actually a cry for man's pathetic state, i.e the powerlessness and almost hopelessness of man. Our pressures are within and so much and yet we are expected of nothing less than the best. Because the rules have already been set and at no point did you decide to be part of the race in the first place. We all just found ourselves here on earth and off to run a race I wouldn't so describe what for, and yet you must know and be sure:

Heaven is real, Hell is Real.

They have been decided on far before you were born and so you can't change it, but to fight and fight and fight and fight and fight and fight and fight and fight, dear soldier man... till Heaven we make, coz Hell notta option.

On the effects of this very act, would want to say that first of all, from the universally acceptance aspect of it, by the universal rule, it is not accepted. For us Christians, God dislikes it, but sure we must accept the fact that it is real and it happens to us.


There are no harmful side effects of masturbation. Medical science has debunked many myths formally associated with masturbation, such as hair growing on the palms, insanity, or that masturbation will drain excessive energy from the body.

Some people report feeling guilty about masturbating. Negative feelings associated with any behavior can threaten a person’s health and well being.

The American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in the 1972 publication Human Sexuality.

To experience pleasure
To relieve tension (sexual tension or general tension)
To relieve stress
To engage in sex when a partner is unavailable or does not want to have sex
To relax
To learn about what feels good to them and how they like to be stimulated or pleasured

The following are myths relating to masturbation that are unfounded in medical and social science.
Only people, who cannot find sexual partners; or who are socially inadequate masturbate.
Masturbation leads to physical problems such as mental illness and growing hair on your palms.
Masturbation “ruins” a person for partner sex.
Men will run out of semen or sperm if they masturbate excessively.
Others, including medical doctors and sexual partners, will be able to tell if you masturbate.

A number of studies have proven the benefits of self-pleasuring to mental, social and physical health.

Masturbation alleviates premenstrual tension for many women.

Masturbation provides a healthy sexual outlet for people who choose to abstain from sex with partners or who do not currently have available sexual partners.

Masturbation can be a route to safer sex, to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Masturbation allows for sexual pleasuring for those who are not ready to engage in vaginal, anal or oral sex.

Increases blood flow to the genital region, which can help overall sexual functioning.

Masturbation can induce sleep.

Masturbation allows people to become familiar and comfortable with their body.

Masturbation is often suggested as a therapeutic technique for overcoming sexual dysfunction.

For women, it can help them learn how to achieve orgasm.

For men, it can help them increase ejaculatory control and manage rapid or delayed ejaculation.

Masturbation can help alleviate stress.

People often wonder about the normal amount of masturbation. Each person must decide for himself or herself how much to masturbate. Professionals agree that there are no physical or mental implications for frequent masturbation, unless it is symptomatic of an obsessive/compulsive disorder (OCD). Symptoms of OCD are repeatedly performing a behavior to the extent that it interferes with daily functioning, professional responsibilities, or personal relationships.

Behaviors that are performed to reduce stress or alleviate tension, including masturbation, are not considered symptomatic of a disorder unless they interfere with a person’s daily personal or professional life or hinder a person from fulfilling their responsibilities and commitments


Masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions. Excessive stimulation can result in over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.

Abundant and unusually large amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively masturbates.

Note: Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances.

Side-effects of Masturbation
Other than an immediate need for a towel or tissue, the effects of masturbation upon the male body were:
Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time
Lower back pain
Thinning hair / Hair Loss
Soft / Weak Erections
Premature Ejaculation
Eye floaters or fuzzy vision
Groin / Testicular Pain
Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone

When to say when
How much is too much masturbation (and sex for that matter)? That depends but it's suggested men keep their ejaculation frequency down to 2-3 times a week. However, sexual activity can be experienced more often if men learn how to orgasm without ejaculation. Doing so can actually store bioenergy into your system and make your penis firmer, your erections last longer, and your ejaculate volume bigger.

Over masturbation participants experience problems with concentration and memory. This is a dangerous side effect of over masturbation and signals that the brain is being over drained of acetycholine. Over masturbation drains motor neurons and neuro-muscular endings of acetycholine, which is eventually replaced. Over masturbation can lead to absentmindedness, memory loss, lack of concentration, and eye floaters. To fight these symptoms, the chemical levels in your body needs to be balanced.

But for social decency, we shall be looking at the ways to overcome this act in our next blog. See you there.

I love you all.
I am James C. Jnr.
BBPin: 327956C8

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