Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Monday 15 July 2013

*---Where is Stephen Adeshola Awotula, Heaven or Hell?----*

*------Where is Stephen Adeshola Awotula, Heaven or Hell?---------*

More people would go to hell than heaven!
How long does it take a dead man to get to heaven or Hell? And for mine own bosom friend who passed on on the early hours of the 15th, July, 2013, I want to believe he is in one of these places right now!
This is not a write-up to desecrate the death of a senior colleague, friend and co-mentor cum business partner, but in the realm of our-daily-experiences, this is one to open up ourselves within our own assumptions and also to life's realities, basically because:

Life is not fair!

And there's utterly no defensive statement against this, because if you've not discovered that pretty yet, it is the work of providence actually preparing you for a bigger show time, I learnt this from experience! And I wouldn't want to see man as a victim of the extra-terrestrial truce, but really try to see him as one made to actually enjoy the Divine Paradise!

Who is Stephen Adeshola Awotula?
Wowww! I would really need to find my words right now to describe this very man. But in very simple statement, I thought I was the most passionate man on the surface of this very earth till I met this young man. And although we have known for years since our younger college days, his personality did actually sink in me when he blew my mind.
I had traveled to go train as a programmer with one of the best robotics company in the North of India and while there I saw what co-young engineers where doing with PCBs and SCADA, designing mid and full track robots, cat arms and automated rotors and I was wowwed. Actually because as an Engineer I was so scared and still is of one main part of my profession which is: Electronics. So when I saw these guys, designing automated machines and things like that, I was baffled. But more was I when I traveled back home, to discover, for the first time in my life a young Nigeria student, design a cat arm robot prototype as a university project, I was flabbergasted! Without schooling abroad, or with one lecturer guiding him to do such, when I had gone out there and yet couldn't not even solder a lead to a breadboard and from that very moment, our friendship skyrocketed.
But today, after going through all the rigors, a very brilliant chap, brainy, cool, calm, collected, handsome, jovial, playful, down to earth, respectful with a strong personality and a Christian, he is about right now, almost 24hours dead!

Where're you ohhhh, Stephen Adeshola Awotula? Heaven or Hell?

I'm a brave man, and have taken to daunting any topic as far as I am alive. I have put my reputation and personality aside to live the very life I was sent here on this earth to live and so I plead you not be angry with me if I am always the only one ready and courageous enough to attack such issues many men have shied away from, because it was what I was supposed to do, nothing else!

Ohhh, Lord, who is man that thou art mindful of him, that thou hast made him a little lower than the angels? How concrete and true is this word?

But for the aspect of us accepting the word of God hook, line and sinker, I would have doubted it and called it all bullshit! (Oh Lord, help my unbelief *sobs*).
Who is man?
Like I had always said in my previous blogs:
1. Man has got no part in the extral-terrestrial layer! There is no man in the board of directors of the Divine, no man with flesh, blood and water. And so man has no right to decide whether to be here on earth or not, or decide what country or family to come through, or decide what day he shall die. Never!
2. The decision about Heaven or Hell; hell which I thought was meant only for the devil and now being transferred to man, had long time been made far before man was even created and so when I asked where is my late friend, in heaven or hell, then you know now am only being realistic because except he is having a long meeting with one of the extral-terrestrial elements, then he is very well in one of these places right now.

Stevo has passed on to eternity!

Eternity! What is eternity? Forever and ever: how do we explain that? how old is God? I think I now actually see what the Psalmist meant when he asked God, who is man that thou art mindful of him and has made him a little lower than the angels. Yeah for the sake of man sharing that part of God- undieing. Eternity! Eternity!

Sometimes right now, I want to look back at this young man who died at the young age of 27 and would want to ask myself this ridiculous question: "What did Stephen actually achieve here on this earth now?" "Why was he born?" "What can we actually point to say, for this reason he was sent here on this earth?" I dunno. I dunno.
And if my answer would actually be, 'I dunno', then I would want to ask, is it then worth it to be here on earth in the first place? Is it worth it?
You know, when I was going through some of the comments of my friends about this great man, I saw a particular write-up which says that yes Stephen has defined life against it hustling and bustling and the pursuit of achievements, but right then I'd like to ask the writer, do we say then that as man have found himself here on this earth, he should just sit and fold his arms and not develop this very earth and make it very convenient? Are we saying that the Edisons, Faradays, Eisteins, Washingtons, Zukerbergs, Gates, Jobs etc and all those great men who have made our world more convenient have done nothing worthy of commendation?

That's bullshit!

But sometimes I want to look at life from another angle and say again that life is truly unfair especially for this third point, having basically established the ground truth that God is real. He is the divine hand that spins the world and have established all the rules and principles that would judge the very world, man inclusive. Heaven is real and hell is also real. God has revealed himself only through Jesus Christ and no one else, so except you are saying that Mohammed is in Heaven, then agree also that no Muslim or other religion shall enter heaven, I don't need to buttress that. The third point actually is:

3. Man was first born a candidate of Hell and now only given the choice to fight and die for the other option- Heaven!

Pathetic. Who is man that thou art mindful of him?

So therefore, the next time you think of conception please and please and please and please and please and please always have at the back of your mind that you are first bringing to this very filthy world, a child who shall spend all his life (eternity) in hell first! Except he or she can decide otherwise, fight and die for the other option, because as it is appointed unto man once to die and next the judgement. Think wisely!

In this very issue, I wanted to discuss one critical issue and that is, what actually qualifies us from the other option than hell? You know I also read some other comments and see stuffs like, Stephen RIP, we shall see on the other side, we shall see again, we shall see on the resurrection morning and stuffs like that, and I want to ask myself, are we really gonna see, or maybe not really on the side we suppose?

When I go through the book of revelations, I sometimes chuckle and say to myself. Man, welcome on-board to a scary world that shall shook you all your days. And it is for this very truth, listen!
Over 65% percent of the world's population will go to Hell. It's not my own prophesy, but when you read the last book of the bible, saying one third and one fifth and thousands and thousands shall be falling dead during the acts of the great tribulation, then you know, if they were gonna be few, then at the first earthquake, all of man would have disappeared, but not even till the end of the tribulation, after millions and billions have died, many would still be alive to fight the Armageddon, so know very well that more people will go to hell than would go to heaven.

Pathetic. Who is man that thou art mindful of him, Lord.
Na wetin, ohhh Lord, forgive! Forgive us. I plead even so ridiculously, annihilate us Lord and start afresh. Please, and never let the devil be part of that world. We are mortal men and will continue to sin because it is our nature! We were born thieves, fornicators, adulteriers, socerers, woremongers, backbiters, rapists, gays, Lesbians and all what not. This is one reason we got no right to blame anyone for the way they behave, no right! Because they are only being natural. They were born that way, but only given the choice to change.

Pathetic. Who is man that thou art mindful of him, Lord?
Man's trouble is too much and overwhelming, I cry that out like a baby if no one would. And when I get to heaven, Lord have mercy on me, but I shall negotiate hell. Yes lord. Our troubles are too much. Our nature is first sinful, because we were sharpen in iniquity and in sin did our mothers conceive us, our pressures are within and not without and yet the devil is right here on this evil world, residing with man, na why man no go sin? But for Grace! Grace! How sufficient is this Grace, that yet there're more sinners in the churches than there are saints? Grace!


Stephennnnnnnnnnn, where're art thou, Heaven or Hell?

Not every soul we say rest in peace actually does! And if being nice and good charactered and mannered and religious and socially intelligent were all that is needed to make heaven I would have not had a problem. I would have been rest assured, that maybe people can now do their very best to enhance their characters and social etiquettes and make heaven then. And i wouldn't have wondered about Steve Jobs, Edison, Eistein and the others who have done so much to make our world a better place. I wouldn't have. But leme say this here:
Not until one is actually qualified to see and live with the Divine Umpire after death, there is entirely nothing as 'only remembered by what we have done.' Nothing! That is, not until Steve Jobs, and Gates and all those good and mighty men, enter heaven, there is no commendation for them at allllllllll.

Pathetic. Who is man that thou art mindful of him?
It is hard my brothers and sisters, but please we have no options, no options, and that is why the words; "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand," can never be no cliche! Never! It's part of the divine rules that man's hand can never reach to tweak or turn around. Never!

So that I knell down and cry to my generation to please Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. It is not an option, it is a must!

The definition of life is in eternity! There is no life on earth, it's all a passageway, a thoroughfare, an aisle leading us to where we are supposed to be, that's why there's actually no need for the footprints, no need, especially ones that would echo only here on this earth. So therefore, as I wipe my eyes for the death of this great man in the event of history I bang this! Life's not worth it till we are ready for the better side of eternity. And so never you blame yourself when you do wrong or fail morally sometimes, because you were born that way! So therefore, just dust up and pick and fight, fight, fight, fight, fight , fight, fight, fight, fight dear soldier man! We've all found ourselves here without deciding to be here, therefore be mindful of those you bring along via conception and till our appointed time, we shall continue to fight and make ready for the bright side of eternity.
Adieu Stephen, I'll always miss you and yes I strongly believe you made it and yes I shall see you on the other side, in His bossom. *sobs* And as I finally say a goodbye, I would like to ask:

"Ohhh death, who is next?"

I am James C. Jnr


  1. Breo James shuld I be candid@ all nice write up
    Bt ur timing of d write up is bad
    Iw asnt an EEE stdnts bt I pratically lived a life of 6yrs knowing dis guy!
    Asking all dis questions at d tym wen our hearts bleads is nt jst fair its double tragedy 4us,asking all these question wen we all his frnds are "asking are we dreaming" "Is Stevo gone" asking all d questions wen we re looising our sleep ova a dear frnd
    We re humans bt d where he has gone to is nt up 2us to decide! We pray he is in heaven bt Y our write seems to bring all d trauma of loosing a brother afresh wen we re trying to heal
    I might nt see it as bold step bt say its nt jst d right tym!

  2. Hmmm..

    @ Bambam Ayuba : The writeup was actually inspired, loaded with facts and realities.. Only that the rhetoric questioned topic should have been something else just to avoid adding salt to the injury as you implied.

    But the truth in the blog can not be de-emphasized...'We came to the world without prior notice, likewise we are gonna leave in like manner. And why on Earth are we here?'

    To serve our Creator I suppose, and reign with him eternally in His never ending Kingdom..

    May God and all those who come behind us find us faithful.

    I wish the departed soul to rest in peace.
