Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

*-----A Letter to All The Ladies------*

Before going ahead let us get down the brass tacks of the view about woman as said by Napoleon, the great conqueror of his times, who suggests that “Give me good mothers, I will give you good nation”.

I love you all.

You are not an afterthought! God never made you a societal tramp, a second fiddle, a slave, a tool kit or some some sorta charade, No! And so even if the failed legislature of a defined territory or your religion or family or background or cultural influence have decided to call you a laughing stuck, the stadia of pun or what else ever, and since the Nigeria legislature have decided to remain mute to the current situation of #ChildNotBride, then please have it in your minds that that was never the original plan of God!

And please listen, there is no where it is written that the woman is supposed to do the entire house chore, cook the food, make the children, stay at home and get dull and old and wacked out and stinking and then the man goes out and picks another young girl! There is no where that is written, save the warped society that has decided to wound our women and bind them to the animistic ego of the man to subject her to any peadophilic cravings of him.

My future WIFE is ever going to be different! Watch out!

Hear this: "Any man who is not secured enough to bring the best in you out in the society to show case your own talents maybe because he is scared of you being more known, that man doesn't deserve to be called your husband!" Did you hear that?


God loves you all!
I love you all, and a strong evangelist of the woman emancipation! I mean for wetin! Are you not as intelligent as we men? More stronger than him? Yes, more stronger(I will explain that in my next blog!).

The word society, derived from the Latin word ‘Socieis’, means a group of individuals sharing similar cultural, political scenario, economic & psychological arena, an
adage by Professor Carl Jung. Here in this definition gender difference is not mentioned. So society is not man or woman but an amalgam of human beings. If we rotate the wheel of the history, we come to know that such description about society holds no realistic resemblance and women have never had an equal share in anything and have mostly remained at the receiving end, except for a few civilizations.
Besides all this, the role of women in societies can’t be ruled out as she plays multiple roles in our society. To run into this cycle of sociology, God has bestowed her with a unique quality called ‘patience’. If a man is made to run into this cycle, he would not tolerate the wear & tear of the complexities. If we look into our society, women walks aside a man shoulder to shoulder in every faculty of life.
Science and research shattered the primordial concept of unequal faculties possesses by men and women and proved that it was only the hormonal makeup that differentiated men from women while both, in all capacities, are equally competent.
- See more at:

But what bleeds my heart today is the way the society have decided to eliminate the woman to the background like she was sort of mistake by the creator. Hence

1. She has been humiliated societally and she is now seen a child making machine and nothing else.

2. Some see her as a mere sex object to have fun with that all.

3. Some pathetic religions see her as a slave to her husband and the reason they allow their men to marry as many as possible to cater for his farm and business like she is a labourer.

4. She is the most victim of rape and child abuse and Political mis-legislature!

5. They say she should never go to school because she will afterward answer another man's name(like it's her fault)!

6. She is the most victim of domestic violence.

7. They say she should be married to a 60years old at 8years to avoid her from fornication(what a shame)! Na wetin? What have our women done to deserve all these? And isn't that why they are fighting back? In prostitution, domestic immorality and all?

My Cry!
1. Arise women and speak and continue to speak.
2. Show and continue to show to us men that God has made you as we men and not as an afterthought. You are more relevant to the society as we men.
3. Tell us without you there would be no us. Here is my little findings:
4. Any man who lifts up his hands to slap a woman is not a man! and derserves to be hanged.
5. Any society that relegates her women to the background is not even a society in the first place.
6. The place of a woman is not in the kitchen! She is also meant for where the men is meant too.

Some people have identified some areas of development where women are active in Nigeria. Mabogunje (1991) identified the eight cardinal elements of sustainable development as they affect women, e.g. education, health, culture politics, economy, agriculture, enhanced environment, quality and peaceful co-existence.
Nigerian women take active part in agriculture. In a study of women's participation in agricultural production in Northern Nigeria's rural areas, Ahmed Ogungbile and Olukosi (1991), found that women were active participants in the process. According to them, about 90 percent of the women interviewed had farming as their main occupation (both arable and pastoral) including those in purdah. The general patrilineal system of inheritance enabled most women in Northern Nigeria to have access to land through their husbands who acquire it through inheritance
Women in this part of the country who had farms of their own had half the sizes of the men's farm. They planted the same type of crops like the men but they (women) were hardly physically involved in land preparation and molding but they were involved in fertilizer application, punting, thinning, weeding and harvesting.
In some parts of Nigeria e.g. the south eastern state however, women are involved in land preparation and moulding.   They have full control in their contribution to agricultural development. Though, there are traces of division of labour based on sex, the functions of women could not possibly be dispensed with if maximum production is to be attained.

I am James C. Jnr
BB: 327956C8

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