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Saturday 13 July 2013

*----------A Letter To Heaven------*

*-------A Letter to Heaven-----------*

But for the sake that You said, come unto me all they that are laboured and are heavily laddened and You will give rest that I have summoned the courage to approach the throne of Grace right now to express my heart felt desire and prayer to you, Lord of my life and breath and being.

I have got quite a lot to write but I hope You'd be patient Lord to read all through my write-up, permit my lingual blunders and mis-spells and see my penitent heart through this write-up!

Dear Lord, I've become stuck in this race of life and it's one reason I have decided to write to You as the originator of this life's race in the first place. Why should I turn again to my pastors, when I get the most confusions from the so-called religious institutions established here on earth, yes Lord God of the universe, because the principles, vision and missions of these institutions all differ and I would want to ask myself, do you have several standards to judge the world? Or is there a particular standard which a particular church have taken? Lord, please I really do wish you reveal that very church to me right now and that's where I shall appear this morning and fellowship all the days of my life.

Sometimes I try to understand you Lord God. "Who are you Lord?" Am so sorry if this question sounds so embarrassing, but Lord I shall ask anyway. Because if really I say that I have a relationship with you, then I should be bold to communicate with you. I know for sure, we your children you have created are your most pre-occupying issues. I strongly believe that, Lord. I believe that you have revealed yourself only through your son, Jesus Christ and no one else. Not Buddah, Arikrishna or Mohammed, etc. I strongly believe that Lord, because right here in my room when the devil tries to show up, when I shout "In the name of Mohammed" or those other names the guy continues to laugh, till I mention "in the name of Jesus" and he flees. But Lord I'm so concerned to ask what is the fate of those who were born into such religions and are held bound there by their parent's influence? I'm in tears for them Lord. I believe so much that You love them, Lord and You've plans for them, right? Because I believe strongly that none of us here on earth was born of a mistake. Not even those of us who sneaked into this world via pre-marital sex, those of us who came through very odd means unnatural, who were objects of failed family planning systems. We were all born unique, but Lord, sometimes I go on the street and see those who you have created with some forms of deformity or the other and would want to ask You, "why?", "Why, Lord?", "Why where they born that way?" Maybe I worry too much , right? but am sure, like You've always told me in my subconsciousness to always look through and not just at them to see the reasons why. You're such a Great God, yes You are, Lord. You too much! Sometimes I want to keep every other thing away and try all I can to understand You, understand the way You work and Your mind behind some of Your actions, but the more I try to understand, I get even more confused. But why have You not made yourself simple enough for us, Lord? Maybe that way we can then be able to relate more with You? We loss our loved ones and try to ask why, but never seem to find any answer. We fail sometimes even when we have prayed and trusted and worked out our finger tips and yet there never happens to be any answers and we sometimes want to pack it all up and never be Christians again, but I believe strongly that You know all and have our lives planned. But does that mean Lord that we should excuse all our short comings as You having our lives planned out and just the way it decides to go, it should or can we take up our lives and live it the way we really wannu live it? Sometimes I look on the world and think so ridiculously that hope the world's not gone out of Your control dear Lord? Or maybe You have abandoned the world, left it to us men to run it the way we can? No Lord, am not sure. You are still in control and I believe You ain't a Task Master! One that is just there to demand on us and never care how we fare here on this earth.

God You are real and I believe. You are there and there for us!
Sometimes I want to ask, Lord:

1. Why were we born, Lord? Why are we here on this earth?
2. Why did you create us, Lord, just to give you praise and Glory, wouldn't we have done that if we were in heaven?
3. Lord am so sorry, but why didn't You give us a life scroll, or life map on how we should live our lives here on earth when we are born?
4. Lord why did You place the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden, even when You knew the devil was there and that man was a frail being? Why did You not kick the devil out when he tried to tempt the woman and yet you punished them both in such a way that affects everyone of us even right when we were born?

Lotta questions, right, Lord, but I believe that the ability of us to make our own choices and choose what ever we would is one greatest gift You have given us, Lord. You have given us this world to enjoy and subdue. You said even in Your word, the holy bible that You have made us little gods and it's Your will that we exploit that very privilege and that is why You haven't given us any scroll, because You want us to live our lives from lessons from failures and successes and try-outs. You want us to create and make things happen, think and re-think and re-think and fight and conquer and bring to live and destroy. Yes Lord, it's all for the love You have for us as mortal men to even make us part of Your plan in the first place. I'm so grateful, Lord.

Lord, I really got a lot of questions that I think sometimes if I could just understand I will so love You all the more and serve You the more, but again it pops right in my head that if I would understand you in all round about then I might just begin to assume You as just one great earthly man, one like Obama, who lives with his wife and two girls in Washington DC average height and a pan African!

But You are God and You are mysterious! You know it all. You are the Divine Infinite Knowledge.

Lord God, I must confess to You right now that there's so much confusion right here on earth. Am sorry if am giving a situation report when am not supposed to. First like I began Lord is the issue of these so called religious institutions, Lord. I really get confused. Some come and say not till we dress in a particular way, no jewelries and hair does and cute attires and beautiful houses and lavish cars we are not going to enter heaven, some others say, all that doesn't mean any thing and that once we serve You whole heartedly we would make it to Your kingdom. Ohhh, Lord I pray that you help solve this confusion, please Lord, anyhow you will do it. Don't leave us alone. We're mortal men, men that are given to frailty. Please don't forsake us your creatures.

Lord lastly we are sinners! Please have mercy on us. There're so many of us who are born again, but are still struggling with one short-coming or the other, that sometimes, I really wannu ask, if the blood You shed on the cross of Calvary isn't enough to cleanse us, that we still have to check into rehabs even after praying for forgiveness, because many of us have tried and failed and have given up to our inner struggles and sin. But did we not really pray for forgiveness, or we did not do it very well? Most of us would be going to church today, after committing so many sins over the weekend and coming to You to wash us clean. Lord thanks for all that patience and mercy, but please show to us that we could really be perfect, because You said without Holiness we can not see You. Please make us perfect.

Forgive, Ohh Lord, forgive. I pray for as many right now who are still sinners, forgive them, blot out their transgressions and write their names in the book of Life, thank you Lord for I know you have answered me through Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.

I am James C. Jnr.

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