Real Life Issues, Real Life People, Real Life Experiences, Love, Life, Business, Sex, Relationships!

Thursday 25 July 2013

*---------Will You Marry Me?----------*

I am James C. Jnr! See my career profile here.

Oh yes, I am single and searching! And I am your Mr. Right!
The beauty of life can never so celebrated by a celebrity, but by one man who has seen the ups and downs of life from his cradle to adolescence and now to adulthood and yet have decided to see life from the even side and believe so strongly that if life was worth it after all then it should be lived to it's fullest, each minute counting for purpose with all the joys and fun and pleasure that could ever be so contented with. I have seen to many pains in this world that right  now, all I can ever do else from this moment forward is to bring and keep bringing joy and happiness on the faces of men I come around each day- Me!

I have a dream, girls. I have a dream- to make this world a better place. Do you think it's possible? While that's been the little issue around- in all the years I have come through I've not found that one pretty damsel who's got encapsulated with this dream of mine. Or maybe because I have not so well spelt in out and I am gonna do it here, and when I do find that special one... sure I'll take her to mama, I promise.

Although I have so many great friends, ladies whom I hope I have touched each and everyone of their hearts (please if I've not, do get back to me just in time) *smiles* I love you all.

Hope you don't mind me? I love doing very crazy things and maybe because I believe when you are gone, you'd be most remembered for the craziest things you'd done while alive. Little wonder so many people live there lives each day so busy, hustling, frustrated without an iota of fun. You think that's the reason God spent all His time and energy to create you and bring you here on earth? Remember the bible says we're made for His pleasure? We're a royal priesthood an holy nation? A peculiar people? Well so sorry if you ain't a Christian, very sorry about that- you just missed a life line!

But you're a Christian? Then let's ride on.
Yeah, I's saying God created us to get here on earth to catch some real fun before being translated to His glory. Life's no hell, brethren, yes a journey but not a jungle, we are pilgrims but not prisoners, tenants but not Trojans, and mind you, if Adam had not sinned, we would have been here all for eternity. Now imagine the garden of Eden, how beautiful and lovely and stress-free and enjoyable and pleasurable and joyous. That is God intention for every other soul that comes into this world.

That is my principle also!
God loves pleasure, I love pleasure too!
God is faithful, I am faithful too!
God is wealthy, I am wealthy too!
God is an explorer, I am an explorer too!
God is a romantic God, I am a romantic man too!

I love beauty, I love romance, I love cleanliness, I love passion, I love play, I love crazy things, I love happiness, joy, peace, love, tenderness, meekness, temperance; and that's my dream for the world around me, my dream for every citizens of my country, Nigeria. I pray it each day, live it each day, else life will not be worth it.

I don't believe in so much kids. One is enough, so I have all the time to invest, resources to spoil her and make her even more happier right from her cradle. I love travelling around, summering in  at least two countries a year, and uchh, I've not made my trip this year, but sure I will and maybe December should be somewhere else in Africa and then maybe America or Asia, no UK this year, praying for that one woman who would make these journeys with me someday and I promise to spoil her with love and happiness and contentment.
Will you marry me?

To read my career profile, click here.
I am tall as 6.3', slim, of brown eyes, dark kinky hair, no side bears(*eye blink*), weight between 70 and 75 with a very strong personality. But I love to play and could be very playful and naughty(*smiles*). I love intelligence, I love communicating in the British English as a certified British Council English Personnel, I love discussions around business development or marketing or societal issues or religious issues. I hate dull moments, although could be sometimes serious as even most mis-interpreted by some.
My Dreams:
1. Have the best education from here, with my MBA beginning in December with the Don Bosco University, Assa, India.
2. Plot my yet to be launched online CRM brand, already registered with CAC.
3. Begin publishing my books, fictions and non-fictions.
4. Complete my digital advertising course, video advert creation in Bangkok, Thailand.
5. Pioneer some other local start-ups and learn, build more innovative and conceptual intelligence and confidence.
6. Develop my speaking, motivating career line.
7. Finally join myself with a Business consulting MNC, a brand I will finally kill for and grow in the ranks.
8. Shove into Nigeria's administrative political scene and speak in the economy of my nation.
9. Share Jesus to all the world via the Salvation Army and right from the on-go though.

I love telling people about the love of God and how He has revealed Himself through His only Son, Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the world. I just shared that with you now, so please do well to know Him right away, He is the curator of love and life and all the beauty in it.

I go around and see a lot of people in despair of life, in pain, and sorrow, tears and I'd want to help them and that's why tomorrow I shall be sharing on "How to live a Happy life each day!"
Hope you find this dream with me and offer by God's grace to share the long future with me. "Will you marry me?" Will you help bring out this dream of mine? What is your dream? Do you believe dreams come through because I believe too, are they bigger than mine? Do you see yourself growing the years to old age, playing like kids all again and being the best of friends for ever, till death do us part. Are you happy, is Heaven a place you at last ever wannu be?

Then, yes! You are the one I have been waiting for, please do get in touch with me, we both got God's assignment to accomplish. I love you!

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